How do you like our new lab?

Mobile on site testing with QED

Same or next day results! Our new laboratory brings the you the same speed, reliability and low cost that we have enabled on site for the London Olympics, Crossrail and numerous other projects, large and small, in the UK and globally.

OK, so this is not really our new lab*. But it was, while we were finding a fuel spill on a resort in the Maldives. We were able to tell exactly what the offending fuel was and where it was spilt, within minutes. This meant that only the minimum of sand and soil needed to be removed, saving money for our client and minimising environmental damage and disturbance to holiday makers.

Send or bring your samples to us for super-quick turnaround, at low cost and with excellent data interpretation and technical support.


We will analyse your samples and tell you which of the following contaminants are in them and how much:

  • Gasoline Range Organics

  • Diesel Range Organic

  • TPH

  • PAH

  • BTEX

  • Waste Oils

  • JP8 (Jet Fuel)

  • JP5 (Jet Fuel)

  • Crude Oils

  • Lubricating Oils

  • PAHs

  • Coal Tar

  • Other Tars

  • Creosotes

  • Combustion of Organic Compounds

  • Sum of 16 PAHs

  • Total C10-C35 Aromatics

  • Benzo-a-Pyrene

  • Lead

  • Arsenic

  • Cadmium

  • Mercury

  • Chrome

  • Chrome VI

  • Antimony

  • Selenium

  • Copper

  • Nickel

  • Zinc

  • Vanadium

  • Tin

  • Other metals

In fact, everything you need for 90% of contaminants on UK brownfield sites.

We’re very good at answering questions. Ring us, email or take a look at our new website.

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